10.26-Inch Touchscreen: Creating a New Car Entertainment and Navigation Experience

投稿者 carabc オン


New CarPlay Tested on Our Ford Fiesta MK7

The brand we are testing is CARABC, a famous Eastern manufacturer of devices like these, for both cars and motorcycles, as well as adapters for specific car models, not just universal ones.

The model being tested is the D1026, a 10-inch device that promises a couple of interesting features.

Contents of the Package

  • 10.25-inch CarPlay device
  • Suction mount for glass or dashboard
  • Single USB-C cable with three-way outputs
  • Metal cigarette lighter power adapter
  • Color printed user manual in English

Technical Features:

  • 10.25-inch capacitive IPS screen
  • 60 FPS refresh rate
  • 1920x720 resolution
  • Maximum brightness of 700 nits
  • Quick release hook system with a single button
  • Dual Bluetooth mode compatible with steering wheel controls
  • Three-in-one cable for cleaner connection management

The device dimensions are 26.3 cm in width and 12.3 cm in height.

On the Road Performance:

Installation is obviously very simple. You just need to choose a good point for the suction mount (glass or dashboard) and place it in an ideal position, given the generous diagonal size. The single USB-C input cable, which then splits into three outputs (power, AUX IN, and camera connections), is unique among the CarPlay devices we have reviewed so far. We really like this solution because it makes cable management much simpler and cleaner.

The device detachment from the base is not as convenient as magnetic mounts, but definitely more practical than other solutions we've tested. It has a large button that can easily be found with your fingers, even when handling it from the opposite side. Once installed, it’s practical to use and has a nice impact on our Fiesta, as you’ll see in the video I link at the end of the review. Upon powering it on, we find a clean and well-designed interface.

Modern icons, well-spaced, and convenient side shortcuts to manage the main functions.

Audio Management Options:

  • Using phone Bluetooth: If, like me, your Fiesta has Bluetooth, setting it up is simple, and you can also use the steering wheel controls to manage tracks and volume.
  • Wired AUX IN connection: A classic for many stereos that are equipped with this input.
  • FM frequency use: For cars with really basic systems, the use of FM frequency allows this device to be adapted even to very outdated stereos.

Connectivity: It supports the classic Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, as well as mirroring connection systems like AirPlay or Android Cast. During the days of use, the system has proven to be fluid and very stable. What impressed us particularly? Aside from the minimalist and elegant graphic design, the well-defined display, and the 60 FPS (which is rare on these devices), these features provide a much smoother and more satisfying user experience.

Drawbacks? The only real drawback is the lack of an integrated brightness sensor for perfect automatic management of the declared 700 nits maximum brightness. We have quick shortcuts to adjust it, and we can set a time for the display to switch from day to night mode (with two different values we’ve set ourselves), but the sensor would have made it easier to handle rapid changes, such as in tunnels or similar situations.

Conclusion: At a price of about 150 euros, often with additional temporary discounts (especially for signing up for the newsletter), we get a reliable brand device, well-built, with quality cables and a well-made cigarette lighter charger. The bezels are not too thick, the screen diagonal is generous, fluidity and cable management are top-notch. For more demanding users, there's also an extra option for a rearview camera. I’ll leave the links to the official website and, most importantly, to the video review of my 2009 Fiesta MK7 at the end of the article.

For any further information, feel free to comment on this post or the video itself on the YouTube channel.



Article from: Ford Fiestaitalia.com

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huaweicarabc に huaweicarabc

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